Our son Wesley is now 6 weeks old, so we thought it would be a good time to update some of the moments we've been having with him so far…

"Houston, we have smiles!"

Bath time is awesometime

Fist Bump with Dad

Our son the Sith Lord

Hanging with Daddy around the Christmas Tree

Let's go cycling!

Yes, we've turned our son into a billboard

"Graco makes me smile!" (Non-celebrity Endorsement)

2 smiles, 1 not so much

"Seriously, Dad, why are you staring at me?"

Time Machine: Steve's Grandpa/Mom on the left, Steve/Wesley on the right

Zonked out in the sling


Wesley's first walk in the Chicago snow

Showing Wesley the finer points of building with Construx!

"Hey, it's my 1 month birthday. Let's party!"

Time Machine: Photograph of Amy's older brother Greg wearing the same outfit Wesley is currently wearing

"What did you just say?!"