So I've purchased new tires for my bike this season. I've never actually bought new tires before, so this was an educational experience.

Introducing the Specialized Crossroads Armadillo
Come to think of it, I've never actually owned a new bike. Everything I've ridden over the years has been purchased used. So I guess I could splurge on some new tires, right?
I'm currently riding an early 1990s Giant Iguana mountain bike that I bought used from the adventure trip folks at Phantom Ranch back in 1996. Over time I've probably replaced almost every element on the thing… crank, seat, handlebars, cables, etc. (At one point, I fractured both my arms while riding it, but that's another story.) Sure, I should probably get a new bike with a better fit, but other priorities always come up.

Steve and his bike last summer
As we finally put winter and cold weather behind us, one thing that really brings me joy is the ability to ride my bike. Last year, Amy and I really hunkered down to eliminate our student loans and other outstanding debt, thus bike repair wasn't really in the cards. But this season we got our bikes tuned up and repaired… and I shopped for new tires.
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